Top 100 Adobe Premiere Shortcuts keys (Excel-PDF)

When you watch a video, there are several mistakes in the video that get removed. Such mistakes are removed from the video editing software. There can be some videos where you need to change the backgrounds. Video making and finally publishing is completely different from image editing. You need to coordinate and adjust between voice and video. Most of the projects related to video editing are completed through Adobe Premiere.

Adobe premiere is another software from the family Adobe. It is a video editing software. For a long time, Adobe is developing software that edits and creates images and graphic designs. Adobe’s most popular software are PDF Reader, Photoshop, illustrator, and premier. The software was first launched in the year 1991, and in 2003 Adobe Premiere Pro was introduced in the market.  This is one of the most useful software for users working on social media or YouTube.

It is a timeline-based video editing software. You can add all the shots in the Premiere further you can add effects and animation in the movie. If you have shot the video in the front of Green Background, so with the help of this software you can give an animated background. Apart from video editing, this software provides a complete solution for voice editing too. There are several online courses available to learn Adobe Premiere. Due to the high demand for Video editing, such courses are in demand that gives aspirants knowledge of this field. Most of us like challenges related to creativity. And further, most of us have an interest in painting and creativity. With the help of learning such software, you can make your hobby a career option.

Difference between Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere

Most people are confused that Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere are both video editing software, so what’s the difference. Adobe After Effect is also a part of Adobe Creative Cloud.

  • The basic difference is Adobe Premiere is a video editing software, but Adobe After Effects is a video manipulation software.
  • In Adobe Premiere you can do the basic video editing, and animations, but the hardcore level animations and special effects are not possible. For that, you need specialized software that as Adobe Aftereffect.
  • For the beginner’s level, YouTuber Adobe Premiere is the best. If you want to make your career in high-end video editing that you should learn Adobe After Effect.

If you are looking for a career in video editing, you must check the portfolio of Adobe software to get updated on the market requirements and trends.

In this article, we will learn about some shortcut keys for Adobe Premiere Pro that will help you work faster, save time, and make more money. You can even download PDF or Excel files from the given download button below for your future use.


1.Clipping Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
Ctrl + L Link Command + L
Ctrl + G Group Command + G
Ctrl + Shift + G Ungroup Shift + Command + G
Ctrl + R Speed Command + R
F5 Capture F5
, Insert ,
. Overwrite .
Ctrl + K Add edit Command + K
Ctrl + Shift + K Add edit to track Command + Shift + K
Ctrl + D Video transition Command + D
Ctrl + Shift + D Audio transition Command + Shift + D
Shift + R Reverse match frame Shift + R
= Zoom in =
Zoom out
S Snap S
Shift + Home Go to selected clip start Shift + Home
Shift + End Go to selected clip end Shift + End
Home Go to sequence clip start Home
End Go to sequence clip end End
] Increase volume ]
[ Decrease volume [
Shift + – Minimize all tracks Shift + –
Next in sequence Shift + +
Previous in sequence Option + +
Make Subclip Command + U
Audio Channels Shift + G

2.Marker Operation Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
I Mark in I
O Mark out O
X Mark clip X
/ Mark selection /
Shift + I Go to in Shift + I
Shift + O Go to out Shift + O
Ctrl + Shift + I Clear in Option + I
Ctrl + Shift + O Clear out Option + O
Ctrl + Shift + X Clear in and out Option + X
M Add marker M
Ctrl + Shift + M Previous marker Command + Shift + M
Shift + M Next marker Shift + M
Ctrl + Alt + M Clear current marker Option + M
Ctrl + Shift + L left align Command + Shift + L
Ctrl + Shift + C Center align Command + Shift + C
Ctrl + Shift + R Right align Command Shift + R
Ctrl + Shift + T Stopping tab Command + Shift + T
Ctrl + J Templates Command + J

3.Window Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
Shift + 1 Project Shift + 1
Shift + 2 Source monitor Shift + 2
Shift + 3 Timeline Shift + 3
Shift + 4 Program monitor Shift + 4
Shift + 5 Effect control Shift + 5
Shift + 6 Audio track mixer Shift + 6
Shift + 7 Effects Shift + 7
Shift + 8 Media browser Shift + 8
Shift + 9 Audio clip mixer Shift + 9
Ctrl + 1 to 9 Cut to camera Command + 1 to 9
Ctrl + Shift + P Clear poster frame Command + Shift + P
Ctrl + Shift + E Export frame Command + Shift + E
1 to 9 Select camera 1 to 9
Replace current workplace Option + Shift + 0

4.Panel Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
V Record video V
A Record audio A
E Eject E
F Fast forward F
Q Go to in point Q
W Go to out point W
R Rewind R
G Record G
S Stop S
Step back
Step forward
Backspace Remove effects Delete
Spacebar Play Spacebar
0 Record on/off 0
Shuttle stop K
Shuttle right J
Shuttle stop L

5.Tools Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
A Track select tool A
B Ripple edit tool B
C Razor tool C
H Hand tool H
N Rolling edit tool N
P Pen tool P
U Slide tool U
V Selection tool V
Y Slip tool Y
Z Zoom tool Z

6.General Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
Ctrl + Shift + N New Project Option + Command + N
Ctrl + S Save Project Command + S
Ctrl + Shift + S Save as Shift + Command + S
Ctrl + Alt + S Save Copy Option + Command + S
Ctrl + W Close Command + W
Close Project Shift + Command + W
Ctrl + T Title Command + T
Ctrl + O Open Existing project Command + O
Ctrl + Alt + O Open in Adobe bridge Option + Command + O
Ctrl + N Sequence Command + N
Ctrl + Q Exit Command + Q
Ctrl + I Import Command + I
Ctrl + Alt + I Import from media browser Option + Command + I
Ctrl + M Media Command + M
Ctrl + F Find Command + F
Ctrl + Shift + H Selection Shift + Command + H
Ctrl + C Copy Command + C
Ctrl + X Cut Command + X
Ctrl + V Paste Command + V
Ctrl + Z Undo Command + Z
Ctrl + Y Redo Command + Y
Ctrl + A Select All Command + A
Ctrl + Shift + A Deselect all Shift + Command + A
Ctrl + E Edit Command + E
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste insert Shift + Command + V
Ctrl + Alt + V Paste attributes Option + Command + V
Delete Clear Forward Delete
Shift + Delete Delete forever Shift + Forward Delete
Ctrl + Shift + / Duplicate Shift + Command + /
Bin Command + /

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