Top 100 Photoshop Shortcut Keys (Excel-PDF)

Adobe Photoshop is one of the prominent products by Adobe. It’s been 32 years since 1990 the software was realized. It was developed by Jhon Knoll and Thoman Knoll. It is the first choice of photo editors and individuals that work in the graphics industry. It is a photo-editing and graphic-based software. Its use is to create professional images and for graphic designing.

Photo editing has two parts- Vector Graphics, and Raster Graphics. Vector Graphics uses mathematical functions. Due to this, the images are of very high quality. It further means whatever can be the size the image will not get blurred. For vector Graphics Coral Draw Software is used. On the other hand, the Raster Graphics Pixels are used to create an image. Photoshop is the Raster Graphics-based software. The latest version in the market is Photoshop 23.3.2 released in May 2022. 

Usage of Photoshop

1 Image editing

Colour Management, Touch-ups, Optimization of pictures, and Saving image files in various formats. Resizing and cropping pictures. You can save the pictures in multiple formats like png, jpeg, gif, bitmap, pdf, etc. 3D image developers develop digital photographs with the help of photoshop. By photoshop you can create images that can never exist. So you can draw your fantasy in photoshop.

2 Designing Website

The dependence on digital media has increased the significance of Adobe Photoshop. You can design logos, banners, high pixel photographs, and much more with the help of one software. Most designers create the layout of the website in photoshop only. Further, they send it to the client, and if the client approves it. Then they start working on HTML, PHP, CSS, JS, or python to make a website.

3 Diverse Projects

Adobe Photoshop is the one solution for multiple business requirements. One can design business cards, posters, flyers, and postcards. This software is useful other than business to political parties etc. A combination with Coral Draw, Adobe Artist helps in making eye-catching images. For individuals, it helps make quotes, pictures, etc. 

4 Patterns

For business, Adobe Photoshop can be used to create patterns and backgrounds to create a unique image of the organization in print media, social media, and other media platforms. At present social media marketing organizations are using images with high-quality graphics. Only photoshop can cater to this need of the industry in the current scenario.

Apart from Adobe Photoshop, there are several other photo-editing software but due to continuous up-gradation by the company this software is the first choice of photo editors, graphic designers, and web designers. 

Photoshop, as we all know, is the most popular software in the design field or for a creative person. To top it all off, we’ve discovered some cool shortcuts that will allow you to be more creative while also saving you time, and allowing you to improve your workflow. In addition, you can download the shortcut keys in PDF or Excel format from the download button below for future reference.

Photoshop Useful Keyboard Shortcuts List

For Windows


TOOLS Shortcuts
Alt-drag selection Draw marquee selection from the center
Shift Add to a selection
Alt Subtract from a selection
 Shift–Alt Intersect with a selection
Alt-drag selection Make a copy of the selection w/Move tool
Ctrl–Alt-drag selection Make a copy of the selection when not in the Move tool
 Arrow keys Move selection (in 10-pixel increments) Move selection (in 1-pixel increments)
 Shift–F6 Feather selection
Hold Spacebar while drawing a marquee Move marquee while drawing selection
Ctrl-click on layer thumbnail (in the Layers panel) Shift–Arrow keys Select all opaque pixels on the layer
Ctrl-Shift–D Reselect last selection


Shortcuts TOOLS
Double–click on Hand tool or Ctrl–0 Fit on Screen
Double–click on Zoom tool or Ctrl–1 100% View Level (Actual Pixels)
 Alt–Spacebar–click or Ctrl–Minus (–) Zoom out
Ctrl-Shift–Page Up/Down Scroll image left or right in the window
Ctrl–drag in Navigator panel Jump/Zoom to part of an image
Shift-Tab Hide/Show all tools and panels
Ctrl–Spacebar–click or Ctrl–Plus (+)  zoom in
.\  Toggle layer mask on/off as rubylith
F Cycle through full screen modes


Shortcuts TOOLS
Ctrl–Shift–N Create new layer
Ctrl–click layers Select non-contiguous layers
Click one layer, then Shift–click another layer Select contiguous layers
Delete key (while in the Move tool) Delete layer
Alt–click layer mask icon View contents of layer mask
Shift–click layer mask icon Temporarily turn off layer mask
Alt–drag Clone layer as you move it
Right–click on the object w/Move tool Find/Select layer containing object
Number pad keys (w/Move tool selected) Change layer opacity
Shift–Plus (+) or Minus (–) Cycle down or up through blending modes
(W/Move tool) Shift–Alt–letter (N=Normal, M=multiply, etc.) Change to a specific blending mode
Alt–[or Alt–] Switch to layer below/above current layer
Ctrl–[or Ctrl–] Move layer below/above current layer
Double–click on T thumbnail in Layers panel Select all text on layer
Ctrl–Shift–> or < Increase/Decrease size of selected text by 1 pt
Ctrl–Shift–Alt–> or < Increase/Decrease size of selected text by 5 pts.
Alt–Right/Left arrow Increase/Decrease kerning/tracking
Ctrl–Shift–L/C/R Align text left/center/right


Shortcuts TOOLS
Ctrl–Backspace Fill selection with Background color
Alt–Backspace Fill selection with Foreground color
Shift–Alt–Backspace Fill selection with Foreground color using Lock Transparent Pixels
Ctrl–Alt–Backspace Fill selection with source state in History panel
Shift–Backspace Display Fill dialog box
Alt–click w/Eyedropper tool to Sample as background color
While in any painting/editing tool, hold Ctrl to get get Move tool
Alt Eyedropper with painting tools
Number keys Change paint opacity (with Airbrush OFF)
Shift–Number keys Change paint opacity (with Airbrush ON)
Number keys Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush ON)
Shift–Number keys Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush OFF)
While in any painting/editing tool, turn Caps Lock on to get Crosshair cursor
[Or] Decrease/Increase brush size
Shift–[or Shift–] Decrease/Increase hardness of brush
< or > Switch between preset brushes
Right–click in image window Open Brushes pop-up panel
Alt–Eraser Erase to History panel’s source state
Shift–Plus (+) or Minus (–) Cycle down or up through blending modes
Shift–Alt–letter (N=Normal, M=multiply, etc.) Change to a specific blending mode
Shift–click in image window Create fixed color target from within a dialog box
Alt–click on target with Color Sampler tool Delete fixed color target
Ctrl–click on new channel button in Channels panel Create new Spot Color channel from current selection


Shortcuts TOOLS
Ctrl To get Direct Selection tool while using Pen tool
Alt Switch between Add Anchor and Delete Anchor Point tools
Ctrl–Alt Switch from Path Selection tool to Convert Point tool when  pointer is over anchor point
Alt– To select a whole path w/Direct Selection tool
Ctrl–click on path name (in Paths panel) click Convert path to a selection


Shortcuts TOOLS
F5 Show/Hide Brush panel
F6 Show/Hide Color panel
F7 Show/Hide Layers panel
F8 Show/Hide Info panel
Alt–F9 Show/Hide Actions panel
Ctrl–Alt–O Open Adobe Bridge

7.General Tools:

TOOLS Shortcuts
Move and Artboard tools V
Marquee tools M
Lasso tools L
Quick Selection, Magic Wand W
Crop and Slice tools C
Eyedropper, 3D Material Eyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, Note, Count I
Spot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch, Content-Aware Move, Red Eye J
Brush, Pencil, Color Replacement, Mixer Brush B
Clone Stamp, Pattern Stamp S
History Brush, Art History Brush Y
Eraser tools E
Gradient, Paint Bucket, 3D Material Drop O Dodge, Burn, Sponge P Pen tools G
Type tools T
Path Selection, Direct Selection A
Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Custom Shape U
Hand R Rotate View H
Zoom D Default colors Z
Switch Foreground and Background colors X
Quick Mask Mode Q
To switch between all tools within groups, add the Shift key to the letters above. For example, to switch between Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee …….. Shift–M SWITCHING TOOLS

That’s it! If you liked this article, then definitely share it with your friends on social media, so that they too can get this information.

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