Top 150 Vegas Pro Shortcut Keys (Excel-PDF)

While anyone talks about communication, videos are some of the most important parts of communication at present time. Today we can see several types of videos available on the internet. To attract viewers makers are creating short videos, reels, and movies. For proper communication, building an image, and giving a good quality experience it is necessary to edit the video files. Video editing is the process of modifying the recorded video.

Today numerous video editing software are available in the market. If you are looking for a career in the field of video editing opportunities are available as Television Studio Editor, Film Editor, Video Editor, Broadcast and Sound Engineer, Technician, Multimedia Artist, etc. Video editing is not possible without a good knowledge of computers, both the hardware and the software. All the videos are edited using the computer. One must know about the software and its hardware requirements. For a successful career as a video editor, one must have good knowledge of all most all software of video editing, especially high-end software.

A long ago Sony is one of the major players in the media industry. For its premium requirements of video editing, Sony has introduced Vegas Pro. It is high-end video editing software. You can get all features that must be required in any video editing software. But this software is not meant for new entrants. For a first-time user, the features of this software may seem complicated. But still, it is one of the best software in the market. The videos edited using this software look professionally edited.

Features of Sony Vegas Pro

Sony Vegas Pro has the following features-

  • Shuffle Editing
  • Velocity Envelopes
  • Automatic Cross-fades
  • Multi-camera editing
  • Colour match
  • Instant freeze frame
  • Adjustment UI appearance
  • Masking tool
  • Auto White Balance
  • LUT OFX plug-in

Tools of Sony Vegas Pro

As you open the Sony Vegas Pro you will see a few options. Till the time you don’t upload a video in it the options will be disabled.  If you want to add some effects you will get them in the project media option. You can see the preview of your work before finally saving it in the primary monitor option. With this option, you can also preview a specific part of the file as well. Sony Vegas Pro gives you total support for video and audio. With the Audio control option, you can control the sound in the video. You can add effects to the audio files.

Vegas Pro is software that helps you to reduce your work. And to help you in saving your time we have got you some shortcut keys that will help you to save time and increase your work more efficiently. For future reference, you can also download PDF or Excel files from the download icon below.

Sony Vegas  Keyboard Shortcuts

1.Playback, recording, and preview:

Arm for record and set recording path Ctrl+Alt+Shft+R
Record (transport bar) Ctrl+R
Looped playback Q or Ctrl+Shft+L
Play from start Shft+Spacebar or Shft+F12
Start playback Spacebar
Play from any window Ctrl+Spacebar or F12
Play/pause Enter or Ctrl+F12
Stop playback Spacebar or Esc
Go to start of project Ctrl+Home
Go to end of project Ctrl+End
Dim (attenuate) mixer output Ctrl+Shft+F12
Preview cursor position. Numeric Keypad 0
Scrub playback J, K, or L
Selectively prerender video Shft+M
Preview in player Ctrl+Shft+M
Build dynamic RAM preview Shft+B
Toggle external monitor preview. Alt+Shft+4
Generate MIDI timecode F7

2.Event selection and editing:

Range select Shft+click events
Multiple select Ctrl+click individual events
Select all Ctrl+A
Unselect all Ctrl+Shft+A
Cut selection Ctrl+X or Shft+Delete
Copy selection Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert
Paste from clipboard Ctrl+V or Shft+Insert
Paste insert Ctrl+Shft+V
Paste repeat Ctrl+B
Delete selection Delete
Split events at cursor S
Trim/crop selected events Ctrl+T
Exit edge-trimming mode Numeric Keypad 5
Move or trim selected events one frame left/right Numeric Keypad 1/3
Move or trim selected events one pixel left/right Numeric Keypad 4/6
Move selected events up/down one track Numeric Keypad 8/2
Slip: move media within event without moving the event Alt+drag inside the event
Slip trim: moves the media with the edge as it is trimmed Alt+drag edge of event
Trim adjacent: trims selected event and adjacent event simultaneously Ctrl+Alt+drag edge of event
Slide: trims both ends of event simultaneously Ctrl+Alt+drag middle of event
Slide crossfade: moves crossfade Ctrl+Alt+drag over a crossfade
Stretch (compress) the media in the event while trimming Ctrl+drag edge of event
Raise pitch one semitone (= {not numeric keypad})
Raise pitch one cent Ctrl+=
Raise pitch one octave Shft+=
Lower pitch one semitone (=- (not numeric keypad)
Lower pitch one cent Ctrl+-
Lower pitch one octave Shft+-
Reset pitch Ctrl+Shft+= or Ctrl+Shft+-
Select next take T
Select previous take Shft+T
Convert cut to transition Numeric Keypad /
Numeric Keypad *
Numeric Ke
Convert transition to cut Ctrl+Numeric Keypad /
Open in audio editor Ctrl+E

3.General editing:

Cut selection Ctrl+X or Shft+Delete
Copy selection Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert
Paste from clipboard Ctrl+V or Shft+Insert
Paste insert Ctrl+Shft+V
Paste repeat Ctrl+B
Delete selection Delete
Trim event to selection Ctrl+T
Render to new track Ctrl+M
Undo Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace
Redo Ctrl+Shft+Z or Ctrl+Y
Rebuild audio peaks Shft+F5
Switch to normal editing tool Ctrl+D
Switch to next editing tool D
Switch to previous editing tool Shft+D

4.Cursor placement, loop region, and time selection:

Most of the cursor placement commands, when combined with the Shift key, also perform selection. Note
Center view around cursor \
Go to Ctrl+G
Set end of time selection Ctrl+Shft+G
Go to beginning of time selection or viewable area (if no time selection) Home
Go to end of time selection or viewable area (if no time selection) End
Go to beginning of project Ctrl+Home or W
Go to end of project Ctrl+End
Select loop region Shft+Q
Restore previous five time selections Backspace
Move left by grid marks Page Up
Move right by grid marks Page Down
Move left/right one pixel (when Quantize to Frames is turned off) Left or Right Arrow
Move to previous/next marker Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow
Move one frame left/right Alt+Left or Right Arrow
Move left/right to event edit points (including fade edges) Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right Arrow
Jog left/right (when not in edge-trimming mode or during playback) F3/F9
Move cursor to corresponding marker or select corresponding region 0-9 keys (not numeric keypad)
Move to previous CD track Ctrl+Comma
Move to next CD track Ctrl+Period
Move to previous CD index or region Comma
Move to next CD index or region Period
Set in and out points I (in)and O (out)
Create time selection while dragging on an event Ctrl+Shft+drag with mouse

5.Magnification and view:

Set focus to track view Alt+0
Show Explorer window (show/hide window if not docked) Alt+1
Show Trimmer window (show/hide window if not docked) Alt+2
Show Mixer window (show/hide window if not docked) Alt+3
Show Video Preview window (show/hide window if not docked) Alt+4
Show Project Media window (show/hide window if not docked) Alt+5
Show Edit Details window (show/hide window if not docked) Alt+6
Show Transitions window (show/hide window if not docked) Alt+7
Show Video FX window (show/hide window if not docked) Alt+8
Show Media Generators window (show/hide window if not docked) Alt+9
Show Plug-In Manager window (show/hide window if not docked) Ctrl+Alt+1
Show Video Scopes window (show/hide window if not docked) Ctrl+Alt+2
Show Surround Panner window (show/hide window if not docked) Ctrl+Alt+3
Show Media Manager window (show/hide window if not docked) Ctrl+Alt+4
Show/hide audio bus tracks B
Show/hide video bus track Ctrl+Shft+B
Show/hide event media markers Ctrl+Shft+K
Show/hide active take information Ctrl+Shft+I
Show/hide waveforms and frame images on events in the timeline Ctrl+Shft+W
Show/hide Event Pan/Crop and Video FX buttons in video events Ctrl+Shft+C
Show/hide event fade lengths between selected and nonselected events: Ctrl+Shft+T
Show/hide envelopes Ctrl+Shft+E
Show next window F6 or Ctrl+Tab
Show previous window Shft+F6 or Ctrl+Shft+Tab
Recall window layout Alt+D, then press 0-9
Save window layout Ctrl+Alt+D, then press 0-9
Toggle focus between track list and timeline (and bus track list and timeline if bus tracks are visible) Tab
Switch focus to previous/next track or bus track Alt+Shft+Up/Down Arrow
Decrease height of all tracks or bus tracks (depending which has focus) Ctrl+Shft+Down Arrow
Increase height of all tracks or bus tracks (depending which has focus) Ctrl+Shft+Up Arrow
Minimize all tracks
Set track heights to default height Ctrl+’
Minimize/restore the window docking area F11 or Alt+’
Maximize/restore the timeline vertically and horizontally (window docking area and track list will be hidden) Ctrl+F11 or Ctrl+Alt+’
Minimize/restore the track list Shft+F11 or Shft+Alt+’
Zoom in/out horizontally in small increments (if timeline has focus) Up/Down Arrow
Zoom in/out horizontally in large increments or zoom to selection (if one exists) Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow
Zoom in time until each video thumbnail represents one frame Alt + Up Arrow
Zoom waveforms in/out vertically (audio only) Shft+Up/Down Arrow

6.Project file:

Create new project Ctrl+N
Create new project and bypass the Project Properties dialog Ctrl+Shft+N
Exit Vegas Alt+F4
Close the current project Ctrl+F4
Open existing project Ctrl+O
Project properties Alt+Enter
Save project Ctrl+S

Thank you for reading, If you liked this article, then definitely share it with your friends on social media, so that they too can get this information.

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