Top 50 Adobe Audition Shortcut Keys (Excel-PDF)

Adobe always gives high-end software solutions. These solutions give professional look to ordinary projects. With the help of technology, it provides the options of professional tools. Adobe Audition is also one of the software solutions. it provides solutions related to Audio editing.  You can edit any kind of MP3 or Wave or any other file format. You can apply any kind of special effect to the audio file. With this software, you can remove the background voice, sound, or any undesired sound from the file. That is why while we are watching the professional videos we can see the clear voice. Apart from that mixing of sound is possible under which you can mix the sound of various instruments in the music audio. In professional videos or media projects, the audio and video files are separate from each other. You can mix the audio file with the video file. Furthermore in the sound design, if there is a scene of visual effects for example a shot of an accident or explosion its sound can be designed in Adobe Audition. Another example of the movie Transformers is the cars converted into transformers, such sounds can be created or the sound files can be adjusted with the videos. It is very powerful video editing software. You can not create the sound but effects can be created by this software.

How to Download Adobe Audition

  • This software can be used only on the PC it is not yet made for the mobile edition. Open the web browser, Go to
  • Search Adobe Audition
  • Click on the first link that will direct you to the Adobe website
  • It is not free software, if you are using it professionally you need to buy it.
  • Learners can download the free trial version of the software.
  • Learners get a 30 days trial of this software.

How to record Sound on Adobe Audition

  • Connect the microphone with the laptop.
  • Go to edit. Click on audio hardware and select the audio device.
  • By clicking shift and space sound recording gets started.

Carrer with Adobe Audition

One can make their career with help of Adobe Audition. You can make your career as a sound engineer. A sound engineer is a person who has skills in editing, mixing, and editing.  A career as a sound engineer is very attractive and exciting. Because working on projects that are appreciated by people all over the world is always thrilling.

Well, these shortcuts help you to speed up your music/sound production. This can literally cut so much time spent at the computer that you’ll have enough time to leave a comment at the end of this post, Hope it becomes a really good resource for you to learn!

Adobe Audition Shortcut Keys List

1. Mixing Tracks Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
Ctrl + Shift + Select Select the same input/output for all audio track Command + Shift + Select
Ctrl + Shift + Click Activate or deactivate mute/solo/record tracks Command + Shift + Click
Shift + Drag Adjust Knob in large increment Shift + Drag
Ctrl + Drag Adjust knob in small increment Command + Drag
Shift + Drag Maintain time position Shift + Drag
Ctrl + Drag Reposition envelop segment without Key-frame Command + Drag
Alt + , Nudge Selected clip to left Option + ,
Alt + Period Nudge Selected clip to right Option + Drag

2. Editing Operations Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
Shift + R Repeat previous command with clicking OK Shift + R
Ctrl + R Repeat previous command with not clicking OK Command + R
Shift + T Open Convert sample type dialog box Shift + T
Shift + P Capture noise reduction profile Shift + P
Activate left channel for editing
Activate right channel for editing
Ctrl + Alt + ↑ Make display more logarithmic Command + Option + ↑
Ctrl + Alt + ↓ Make display more linear Command + Option + ↓
Ctrl + Alt + Page Up Make display full logarithmic Command + Option + Page Up
Ctrl + Alt + Page Down Make display full linear Command + Option + Page Down
Shift + Ctrl + ↑ Increase spectral resolution Shift + Command + ↑
Shift + Ctrl + ↓ Decrease spectral resolution Shift + Command + ↓
Ctrl + R Repeat last command Command + R

3.General and Tool Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
Ctrl + A Select all Command + A
Ctrl + Shift + A Deselect All Command + Shift + A
B Spot Healing Brush B
Shift + Backspace Ripple delete selected clip Shift + Delete
Alt + Backspace Time selection in selected clip Option + Delete
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace Time selection in all track Command + Option + Delete
Ctrl + C Copy Command + C
Alt + Shift + C Copy to new Option + Shift + C
Ctrl + X Cut Command + X
Ctrl + V Paste Command + V
D Lasso selection tool D
Delete Delete /
E Mark selection tool E
Ctrl + E Edit original Command + E
Esc Clear time selection Esc

4.Marker Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
M Add marker M
Ctrl + Alt + → Move to next marker Command + Option + →
Ctrl + Alt + ← Move to previous marker Command + Option + ←
Ctrl + G Clip gain Command + G
Ctrl + K Split Command + K
Ctrl + 0 Delete Selected marker Command + 0
Ctrl + Alt + 0 Delete All Marker Command + Option + 0
/ Rename selected marker /

5. General Operations Shortcuts:

Windows Shortcuts Action Mac Shortcuts
Spacebar Start/Stop playback Spacebar
Home Set time indicator to beginning Home
End Set time indicator to end End
8 Switch Waveform/Multitrack editor 8
Ctrl + ← Set time indicator to previous marker/clip Command + ←
Ctrl + → Set time indicator to next marker/clip Command + →
Shift + X Toggle Preference for return cti to start position Shift + X
= Zoom in horizontally =
Alt + = Zoom in vertically Option + =
Zoom out horizontally
Alt + – Zoom out vertically Option + –

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