Top 100 Oracle Accounting Software Shortcut Keys (Excel-PDF)

As we all know, Oracle Accounting Software is the most useful accounting software available today. So, for easier learning and better use of the software, we provide you with the best short keys that can help you work on it without the use of a mouse. In addition, for your convenience, we have provided PDF and Excel files that you can use for future reference.

1. Portal Oracle Shortcut Keys

Brings up right−click menus in the Portal and Portlet Designers. Ctrl−Shift−F10

2. Setting Focus Oracle Shortcut Keys

Output tab Alt−0
Application tab Alt−1
Application tab Shift−F12
Files tab Alt−2
Files tab Ctrl−F12
Find tab Alt−3
Main work area Alt−4
Build tab Alt−5
Property Editor tab Alt−6
Document Structure tab Alt−7
Palette tab Alt−8
Data Palette tab Alt−9
Streams tab Ctrl−Alt−0
Breakpoints tab Ctrl−Alt−1
Locals tab Ctrl−Alt−2
Watches tab Ctrl−Alt−3
Callstack tab Ctrl−Alt−4
Threads tab Ctrl−Alt−5
Immediates tab Ctrl−Alt−6

3. JSP Designer Oracle Shortcut Keys

Toggle show scripts Ctrl−Shift−S
Toggle show table borders Ctrl−Shift−O
Source Control
Open the current file for editing in Perforce (if Perforce is selected as your source control system) Ctrl−E

4. Debugging Oracle Shortcut Keys

Create breakpoint Alt−F9
Clear all breakpoints Ctrl−F9
Enable all breakpoints Ctrl−B
Disable all breakpoints Ctrl−Shift−B
Toggle breakpoint F9
Step into F11
Step over F10
Step out Shift−F11
Continue F5
Pause Alt−F5
Stop Shift−F5
Run to cursor Shift−F10
Start current document with debugging Ctrl−F5
Start current document without debugging Ctrl−F10
Next stack frame Ctrl−Shift−,
Previous stack frame Ctrl−Shift−.
Show Breakpoints tab Ctrl−Alt−1
Show Locals tab Ctrl−Alt−2
Show Watches tab Ctrl−Alt−3
Show Callstack tab Ctrl−Alt−4
Show Threads tab Ctrl−Alt−5
Show Immediates tab Ctrl−Alt−6

5. Arrow Oracle Shortcut Keys

Go to previous Java member Ctrl−Alt−Up
Close current dialog Escape
Select all Ctrl−A
Bookmark: go to next F2
Bookmark: go to previous Shift−F2
Bookmark: toggle Ctrl−F2
Move cursor to matching brace Ctrl−[
Move cursor to matching brace Ctrl−]
Move cursor to the beginning of the file Ctrl−Home
Move cursor to the end of the file Ctrl−End
Move to the next word Ctrl−Arrow Right
Move to the previous word Ctrl−Arrow Left
Scroll up without changing cursor position Ctrl−Arrow Up
Scroll down without changing cursor position Ctrl−Arrow Down


6. Source View Oracle Shortcut Keys

Note: adding Shift to many of the cursor movement keyboard shortcuts adds text selection.
Code completion: accept automatic code completion suggestion Alt−Enter
Code completion: show parameters of current method Ctrl−Space
Show find dialog Ctrl−F
Show replace dialog Ctrl−R
Show replace dialog Ctrl−H
Show go to line number dialog Ctrl−G
Indent selected text Tab
Unindent selected text Shift−Tab
Find next F3
Find previous Shift−F3
Go to next occurrence of selected text Ctrl−F3
Go to previous occurrence of selected text Ctrl−Shift−F3
Expand collapsed lines Ctrl−Numpad +
Collapse expanded lines Ctrl−Numpad −
Go to declaration of the current Java class or method F12
Go to next Java member Ctrl−Alt−Down

7. General Oracle Shortcut Keys

Show help for the selected item F1
New file Ctrl−N
Open file Ctrl−O
Close file Ctrl−F4
Save all files Ctrl−S
Save all files Ctrl−Shift−A
Undo Ctrl−Z
Redo Ctrl−Y
Redo Ctrl−Shift−Z
Redo Alt−Shift−Backspace
Copy Ctrl−C
Copy Ctrl−Insert
Cut Shift−Delete
Cut Ctrl−X
Paste Shift−Insert
Paste Ctrl−V
Toggle through open documents Ctrl−Tab
Toggle through open documents backwards Ctrl−Shift−Tab
Open local symbols search dialog Ctrl−L
Open Java class search dialog Alt−F12
Open Find in Files dialog Ctrl−Shift−F
Build application F7
Show next view tab (Design View, Source View, etc.) Alt−Arrow Right
Show previous view tab (Design View, Source View, etc.) Alt−Arrow Left
Show previous open document Alt−,
Show previous open document Ctrl−Alt−Arrow Left
Show next open document Alt−.
Show next open document Ctrl−Alt−Arrow Right
Shift focus to Application tab Shift−F12
Shift focus to Files tab Ctrl−F12
Show Properties Editor, Toggle through individual properties Alt−Enter
Next item on Output tab Ctrl−Shift−N
Previous item on Output tab Ctrl−Shift−P
Delete Delete
Delete Ctrl−D
Print Ctrl−P

8. Common Oracle Shortcut Keys

Show help for the selected item F1
Code completion: show parameters of current method F2
Code completion: accept automatic code completion suggestion F3
Open Java class search dialog F4
Open Find in Files dialog F5
Go to declaration of the current Java class or method F6
Start current document with debugging F7
Start current document without debugging F8
Start WebLogic Server F9
Stop Weblogic Server F10

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